They have the backend repository running on an Oracle Database, which is no longer supported. In release 3.3, only MySQL is supported as a backend repository database.
They were wondering how the migration process will take place.
Furthermore the documentation states that there is only one way to upgrade the OVM Server from 3.2 to 3.3.
See Chapter 5.1 of the Installation and Upgrade Guide for Release 3.3
If you are upgrading from Oracle VM Server Release 3.2 or earlier to Release 3.3:
You must set up two Yum repositories, one as a transitional repository containing the packages for Release 3.2, and a second containing the target packages for Release 3.3. When the Yum repositories are in place, you can run the script on the Oracle VM Manager host to batch update servers as required
This would suggest that the ‘old fashion’ method of booting the OVM Server from CD no longer works.
Well I have tested the upgrade the ‘old fashion’ way and I can say that it will work with a few tweaks.
However, chapter 5.4.4 states that this method is not supported. So let’s see how the supported upgrade methods are carried out.
Test Environment
Let’s start with the setup of a small test environment based on VirtualBox VM’s.Virtualbox Machines
Hostname | eth0 (LAN) | eth1 (Storage) |
storage1.domain.local | | |
ovm01.domain.local | | |
ovmmanager.domain.local | |
ISCSI Storage on storage1.domain.local (simulated by Openfiler)
Volumes (LUN’S) | Size | Description |
poolfs | 20Gb | OVM Pool filesystem |
repfs | 50Gb | Storage Repository |
OVM Server
OVM Server 3.2.8 installed on ovm01.domain.local
4 Gb memory
12 Gb disk
1 network interface for LAN connection
1 network interface for Storage connection
1 Virtual guest running OEL 6.5
OVM Manager
OVM Manager 3.2.8 installed on ovmmanager.domain.local
4 vCPU’s
8 Gb memory
25 Gb disk
1 network interface for LAN connection
Oracle database as backend repository
Instance name: ovsdb
Upgrade OVM Manager
As with all releases, the upgrade starts with upgrading the OVM Manager.
The upgrade of OVM Manager is pretty straightforward.
It involves
- Upgrading the OVM Manager software from 3.2.8 to 3.3.1
- Migrating ovsdb from Oracle database to MySQL database
Make sure there is enough diskspace available for the upgrade. The runInstaller states that 7100MB should be available in the filesystem where the current OVM Manager is installed.
Start the installer from the mounted iso or from the cd.
In the example below I have mounted the iso on /media
[root@ovmmanager media]# ./ Oracle VM Manager Release 3.3.1 Installer Oracle VM Manager Installer log file: /var/log/ovmm/ovm-manager-3-install-2014-10-23-214811.log Please select an installation type: 1: Install 2: Upgrade 3: Uninstall 4: Help Select Number (1-4): 2 Verifying upgrading prerequisites ... Starting Upgrade ... Reading database parameters from config ... Choose option 2: Upgrade
Note. You can also start the installer with the Upgrade option directly on the commandline
./ --installtype Upgrade
Provide the database password of the current ovs schema in the Oracle database.
Database Repository ========================== Please enter the current Oracle VM Manager database password for user ovs: *******
Provide the current admin password, this is the password you use to logon to the OVM Console.
Oracle VM Manager application ============================= Please enter the current Oracle VM Manager application password for user admin: ********
Now provide a password for the weblogic user for the new Weblogic 12c install. You can choose to make up a new password or just use the same as the old installation.
Oracle Weblogic Server 12c ========================== Please enter a *new* Oracle WebLogic Server 12c user password for user weblogic: ******** Please enter a *new* Oracle WebLogic Server 12c user password for user weblogic (confirm): ********
Provide a FQDN name for which a SSL certificate will be created.
Please enter your fully qualified domain name, e.g., (or IP address) of your management server for SSL certification generation, more than one IP address are detected: [ovmmanager.domain.local]: ovmmanager.domain.local
The installer verifies the configuration and offers you the choice to continue with the upgrade or abort the installation.
Verifying configuration ... Upgrading from version to version Start upgrading Oracle VM Manager: 1: Continue 2: Abort Select Number (1-2): 1
The upgrade will now proceed.
The console output scrolls down on your screen. I will not bother you with the full output.
You can monitor the progress in another terminal session via:
tail -f /var/log/ovmm/ovm-manager-3-install-YYYY-MM-DD-HHMISS.log
At the end of the upgrade an installation summary is presented, showing the relevant informantion.
Installation Summary -------------------- Database configuration: Database type : MySQL Database host name : localhost Database name : ovs Database listener port : 49500 Database user : ovs Weblogic Server configuration: Administration username : weblogic Oracle VM Manager configuration: Username : admin Core management port : 54321< UUID : 0004fb00000100002482670af80b9a35 Passwords: There are no default passwords for any users. The passwords to use for Oracle VM Manager, Database, and Oracle WebLogic Server have been set by you during this installation. In the case of a default install, all passwords are the same. Oracle VM Manager UI: https://ovmmanager.domain.local:7002/ovm/console Log in with the user 'admin', and the password you set during the installation. Note that you must install the latest ovmcore-console package for your Oracle Linux distribution to gain VNC and serial console access to your Virtual Machines (VMs). Please refer to the documentation for more information about this package. For more information about Oracle Virtualization, please visit: Oracle VM Manager upgrade complete. Please remove configuration file /tmp/ovm_configX4zw9Q.
A few points to mention that answer some customer questions.
During the upgrade the content of the Oracle database is automatically exported.
Exporting core database, please be patient this may take a long time ...
Further down the upgrade track, after MySQL database has been created, the export is imported into it.
Importing core database, please be patient this may take a long time ...
Don’t forget to shutdown and delete the Oracle database after the successful upgrade.
After the upgrade to 3.3 the OVM Manager is set to communicate with OVM Server using TLS. Since this was not the case with to OVM Server 3.2, we disable this option until all OVM Servers are upgraded.
To communicate with OVM Servers 3.2, disable TLS1 for SSL-based authentication in release 3.3.
vi /etc/sysconfig/ovmm USETLS1=NOAfter all OVM Servers have been upgraded, change it back to
USETLS1=YESRemove any temporary files left by the installer.
rm -Rf /tmp/workdir_sel* rm -Rf /tmp/ovm*
We can now proceed with the upgrade of the OVM Servers.
Upgrade OVM Server
Before you begin.
Make sure you have downloaded the latest installation media from edelivery.
According to an unpublished bug, there is a defect on initial releases of Oracle VM 3.3.1 installation media. This could make some servers hang on boot.
As mentioned earlier, the upgrade of OVM Server from release 3.2 or earlier to release 3.3 via booting from the CD is no longer supported.
We are going to create two Yum repositories.
A transitional repository containing 3.2 packages and a target repository containing 3.3 packages.
Both repositories will be created from the 3.3 installation media.
The repositories need to be accessible through http/https on any webserver.
If you don’t have a webserver available, you can use the Python SimpleHTTPServer module.
We will be using this module on the OVM Manager server as an example.
Creating the Yum repositories
Logon as root on the server.
Create a directory for the repository files.
mkdir -p /var/www/reposMount the iso on /media
mount -o loop OVS-3.3.1.iso /mediaCopy the entire iso to the http root directory
cp -rp /media/* /var/www/repos/
Start the SimpleHTTPServer
cd /var/www python –m SimpleHTTPServer 80 Serving HTTP on port 80Keep this session running until the upgrade has finished.
If you have any additional packages installed, see “ Adding Packages to a Yum Repository” on how to add them to the repository.
Now configure the repositories in OVM Manager console.
Open the OVM Manager webconsole in a browser.
Go to : Tools and Resources -> Server Update Groups -> GlobalX86ServerUpdateConfiguration
Create the two repositories Transitional and Target
Click on the + to enter the “Create New Server Update Repository” screen.
Transitional repository
Name : | 3.3_trans_repo |
Repository name : | 3.3_trans_repo |
URL : | http://ovmmanager.domain.local/repos/Transition |
Enabled : | Yes |
Package Signature Type : | GPG |
Package Signature Key : | http://ovmmanager.domain.local/repos/RPM-GPG-KEY-oracle-ol5 |
The Name must be exactly as above entered as the will use this Name.
Target repository
Name : | 3.3_ovs_repo |
Repository name : | 3.3_ovs_repo |
URL : | http://ovmmanager.domain.local/repos/Server |
Enabled : | Yes |
Package Signature Type : | GPG |
Package Signature Key : | http://ovmmanager.domain.local/repos/RPM-GPG-KEY-oracle |
The Name must be exactly as above entered as the will use this Name.
Upgrade the OVM Servers
After the repositories have been created in OVM Manager we can proceed with the upgrade of the OVM Servers.
The upgrade is performed by using the script.
/u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/ovm_tools/bin/UpgradeServers.pyFor the upgrade from OVM Server 3.2 to 3.3 this script is the required method.
It is possible to upgrade between 3.3.x versions using the webconsole, however the preferred method is using the script.
With the script you can upgrade one or multiple OVM Servers or complete Server Pools at once.
See 5.4.2 Upgrading Oracle VM Server using the Script for the syntax.
In our example I will upgrade the one OVM Server in the test setup.
On the OVM Manager server
cd /u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/ovm_tools/bin/ ./ -u admin -v ovm01.domain.local Enter your OVM Manager password: ****** Tue Jan 13 10:52:03 2015 INFO: Tue Jan 13 10:52:03 2015 INFO: UpgradeServers script starting... Tue Jan 13 10:52:03 2015 INFO: OVM Manager version: Tue Jan 13 10:52:03 2015 INFO: Command line args: ['', '-v', 'ovm01.domain.local'] Tue Jan 13 10:52:04 2015 INFO: Server: ovm01.domain.local. Transition Server Update Repository: 3.3_trans_repo, URL/path: http://ovmmanager.domain.local/repos/Transition Tue Jan 13 10:52:04 2015 INFO: Server: ovm01.domain.local. OVS Server Update Repository: 3.3_ovs_repo, URL/path: http://ovmmanager.domain.local/repos/Server Tue Jan 13 10:52:04 2015 INFO: Getting update packages list in Server Update Repository: 3.3_ovs_repo, using old est server: ovm01.domain.local, version: 3.2.8-736 Tue Jan 13 10:52:07 2015 INFO: Checking servers for non-native packages (those installed after initial server in stallation) Tue Jan 13 10:52:08 2015 INFO: Non-native package status: Tue Jan 13 10:52:08 2015 INFO: Non-native package Status in 3.3_ovs_repo Tue Jan 13 10:52:08 2015 INFO: ----------------------------- ---------------------- Tue Jan 13 10:52:08 2015 INFO: openscap OK: package exists Tue Jan 13 10:52:08 2015 INFO: openscap-python OK: package exists Tue Jan 13 10:52:08 2015 INFO: openscap-utils OK: package exists Tue Jan 13 10:52:09 2015 INFO: No non-generic plug-ins have been found that are in use on existing storage arrays Type YES to continue with upgrade: YES Tue Jan 13 10:54:00 2015 INFO: Evaluating server: ovm01.domain.local, version: 3.2.8-736, for upgrading. [1 of 1 servers]. Tue Jan 13 10:54:00 2015 INFO: Disabling Server Update Repository: 3.3_ovs_repo Tue Jan 13 10:54:00 2015 INFO: Enabling Server Update Repository: 3.3_trans_repo Tue Jan 13 10:54:00 2015 INFO: Waiting up to 25 seconds for updates of the Server Update Repositories to complete on server ovm01.domain.local. Tue Jan 13 10:54:02 2015 INFO: Finished updating Server Update Repositories. Tue Jan 13 10:54:03 2015 INFO: Starting upgrade of server: ovm01.domain.local, type: X86_64, version: 3.2.8-736, using Server Update Repository: 3.3_trans_repo Tue Jan 13 10:54:04 2015 INFO: No VMs are on server: ovm01.domain.local, starting server upgrade. Tue Jan 13 10:55:14 2015 INFO: Waiting for upgrade of server: ovm01.domain.local, to complete. The server is performing the upgrade. [STOPPING] Tue Jan 13 10:55:44 2015 INFO: …… Tue Jan 13 11:02:46 2015 INFO: Waiting for upgrade of server: ovm01.domain.local, to complete. The server is performing the upgrade. [STOPPING] Tue Jan 13 11:03:16 2015 INFO: Waiting for upgrade of server: ovm01.domain.local, to complete. The server is rebooting after the upgrade. [STOPPED] Tue Jan 13 11:03:46 2015 INFO: Waiting for upgrade of server: ovm01.domain.local, to complete. The server is rebooting after the upgrade. [STOPPED] Tue Jan 13 11:04:16 2015 INFO: Server: ovm01.domain.local, upgraded successfully to version: 3.3.1-1065 (using Server Update Repository: 3.3_ovs_repo). Tue Jan 13 11:04:16 2015 INFO: Evaluating if any storage arrays need their plug-ins updated. Tue Jan 13 11:04:16 2015 INFO: No plug-ins were found that needed updating. Tue Jan 13 11:04:16 2015 INFO: Log file is available at /u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/ovm_tools/bin/UpgradeServers.log Tue Jan 13 11:04:16 2015 INFO: UpgradeServers script stopping...The OVM Server has been upgraded to 3.3.1
Related Oracle Documention:
Oracle VM Installation and Upgrade Guide for Release 3.3
Related Oracle support notes:
Alert: Verify Sufficient Space in /boot on Your Hypervisor/dom0 Before Upgrading to Oracle VM 3.3.x (Doc ID 1927958.1
During/After the Upgrade to Oracle VM 3.3.1 Using a Dell optiplex 755/780 Machine Does Not Boot Anymore (Doc ID 1932065.1)
Oracle VM Server 3.3.1 Installation Hangs (Doc ID 1918017.1)
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